2017. The Post Genomic Condition: Ethics, Justice, Knowledge After the Genome. University of Chicago Press. (reviews)
2005. Race to the Finish: Identity and Governance in an Age of Genomics. Princeton University. (reviews)
Journal Articles:
2023. Reardon et al. “Trustworthiness matters: Building equitable and ethical science.” Cell Press.
2019. “Ends Everlasting.” British Journal of the History of Science. 4: 83-91.
2018. “Race, Rome and the Genome.” British Journal of Sociology. Published electronically on October 11.
2016. “Bermuda 2.0.: Reflections from Santa Cruz.” Gigascience 5(1): 1-4. Co-authored with Rachel Ankeny, Jenny Bangham, Katherine Weatherford Darling, Steve Hilgartner, Kathryn Maxson Jones, Beth Shapiro and Hallam Stevens.
2016. “The Genomic Open.” Limn Issue 6.
2015. “Science and Justice: Creating Spaces for Response-Ability.” Catalyst 1(1). Co-authored with J. Metcalf, M. Kenney, and K. Barad.
2013. Science and Justice Research Center Collaborations Group. “Experiments in Collaboration: Interdisciplinary Graduate Education in Science and Justice.” PLoS Biology.
2013. “Indigenous Body Parts, Mutating Temporalities, and the Half-Lives of Postcolonial Technoscience.” Social Studies of Science. Co-authored with E.Kowal and J. Radin.
2013. “On the Emergence of Science and Justice.” Science, Technology and Human Values.
2012. “‘Your DNA is Our History’: Genomics, Anthropology, and the Construction of Whiteness as Property.” Current Anthropology. Co-authored with K. TallBear.
2011. “The ‘Persons’ and ‘Genomics’ of Personal Genomics.” Personalized Medicine.
2001. “The Human Genome Diversity Project: A Case Study in Coproduction.” Social Studies of Science 31(3): 357-388.
Contributions to Books:
2021. “Bloody Kansas: Forging Knowledge and Justice at the Horizon’s Edge” in American Geography. Radius Books.
2011. “Human Population Genomics and the Dilemma of Difference,” in Reframing Rights: The Constitutional Implications of Technological Change. MIT Press.
2008. “Race Without Salvation: Beyond the Science/Society Divide in Genomic Studies of Human Differences,” in Revisiting Race in a Genomic Age. Rutgers University Press.
2006. “Creating Participatory Subjects: Race, Science and Democracy in a Genomic Age,” in The New Political Sociology of Science: Institutions, Networks, and Power. University of Wisconsin Press.
Popular Media
2023. Episode 4: “The Vampire Project”. The Science History Institute’s Distillations podcast ‘Innate: How Science Invented the Myth of Race’ series.
2020. Sociologist Jenny Reardon. Indiana Public Media: Profiles.
2018. “Genomics Justice League.” Genome.
2018. “Genforschung und Rassismus: Auseinandersetzung statt autokratischer Wissenschaft (Genetic Research and Racism: Discussion not Autocratic Science).” Radio Dreyeckland.
In a radio interview in Freiburg, Jenny Reardon discusses the Reich op-ed, subsequent responses are archived in a blogpost, “Developing: Debate on ‘Race” and Genomics.”
2013. “Should Patients Understand They Are Research Subjects?” San Francisco Chronicle (published on March 3 on front cover of Insight, the SF Chronicle Sunday magazine).